Zoey started the 8th grade (in Season One) at Pacific Coast Academy ("Home of the Stingrays"). This is the first year that girls were allowed into PCA. Creative and full of ideas, Zoey has used her keen fashion sense to design clothes and backpacks. She is always ready help a friend in need, particularly her younger brother Dustin Brooks (whom Zoey mothers, even though he's mature far beyond his years). Zoey is also close with: Chase Matthews,, who showed her around campus during her first day at PCA (and who has developed tricky-to-express feelings for her); and with Chase's best friend Michael Barret and her dorm next door neighbor the genius wacko Quinn Pensky. Her roomates (in Season One) were Dana Cruz and Nicole Bristow, until Dana moved out and was replaced by Lola Martinez; in Season 3, Nicole moved to an all girls' school and was replaced by Quinn Pensky. Zoey is down-to-earth, and never hesitates to stand up for her beliefs. She is currently the only girl on PCA's basketball team (as a result of Dana’s transfer), and was the first girl at PCA ever to be nominated for Class President (she dropped out of the race).
Chase Matthews, played by Sean Flynn
He met Zoey Brooks on their first day of 8th grade at PCA; he's still her best male friend there. Unbeknownst to Zoey, Chase has feelings for her which he has great difficulty putting into words and action. Chase's best friends are his roommates Michael Barret and Logan Reese. All three guys are on PCA's basketball team; Chase and Michael co-host their own campus-based talk show. Chase also gets along well with Zoey's roommates: Nicole Bristow, Dana Cruz, Lola Martinez, and Quinn Pensky. He's a surrogate big brother to Dustin Brooks (who is, aptly, Zoey's little brother). On one occasion, Chase was pitted against Zoey and Mark Del Figgalo in a race for Class President. (Mark won the election by default, although he and Zoey maintained a rough 98% split of the vote.) It has been rumoured that Sean Flynn will not be returning for season four. This is highly unlikey, because many fans have been watching the show just to see Chase & Zoey get together. However on Erin Sander's official website, the season four cast does not show Sean Flynn
Lola Martinez (Season 2-present), played by Victoria Justice
An aspiring movie star, Lola replaced Dana Cruz as the roommate of Zoey Brooks and Nicole Bristow (in Season 2), and later Quinn Pensky (in Season 3). Lola is very dedicated to her dream of hitting it big in Hollywood, and confident of winning an Oscar by her 19th birthday. She possesses a phobia of people in "big" costumes.
Michael Barret, played by Christopher Massey
Michael is the roommate and best friend of Chase Matthews and Logan Reese. Michael is a natural athlete, yet he also plays the flute. He and Logan keep urging Chase to open up with how he feels about Zoey Brooks. Michael has a major crush on Lisa, whom he once vomited all over. He was once addicted to potato chips.
Quinn Pensky, played by Erin Sanders
Quinn has a great passion for all things scientific. Born and raised in Seattle, she doesn't care for socializing. Instead, most of Quinn's time is spent in her dorm-room at PCA, which doubles as a laboratory. Her extracurricular activities include developing various contraptions, all known as "Quinnventions", which she then tests on unsuspecting fellow students. Quinn often employs Dustin Brooks as a guinea pig for her experiments, although her roommate (and Dustin's elder sister) Zoey Brooks seldom takes kindly to this. Quinn's other roommate is Lola Martinez (due to a room-assignment mix-up). Quinn keeps a lab-rat named Tommy, a King Snake named Marvin, and a pet alpaca named Otis, who lives with her parents back in Seattle. She hates it when people call her a "Spaz," which they often do. Her boyfriend is Mark Del Figgalo.
Quinn-ventions Of Note
1) a remote-control robot which fires a real laser
2) a hybrid fruit-tree which produces "Banapples" (bananas cross-bred with apples)
3) a coconut-perfume which doubles as a powerful sedative
4) a potent energy drink which causes manic activity followed by deep slumber
5) a silent leaf blower which can also be used as a hair-dryer
Logan Reese, played by Matthew Underwood
The most handsome and sophisticated guy at PCA, or so he rates himself; he's certainly the wealthiest, and definitely the most obnoxious. Far from being as sharp as he thinks he is, Logan's positive that girls will go crazy for him because of his rugged good looks; it's just his attitude that needs work. He's wild about the opposite gender (girls, with whom he flirts shamelessly); less so about them taking up space on campus, and especially on PCA's various sports teams. His roommates are Michael Barret and Chase Matthews. He once mentored Dustin Brooks on how to be a ladies' man, only to watch the younger boy succeed where Logan himself failed. Logan alternates between teasing Chase about his feelings for Zoey Brooks, and urging Chase to let Zoey know about said feelings. Logan's deepest secret is a chemistry aptitude, which he fears will make him the subject of mockery by his peers. Logan's father Malcolm is a big-league TV/film-producer whose work includes the hit game show "Gender Defenders", on which Logan and his pals have been featured contestants.
Dustin Brooks, played by Paul Butcher
Dustin is Zoey's younger brother. Besides being his fiercest protector and closest confidante, Zoey has more recently become her brother's classmate at the newly-coed PCA. A child prodigy, Dustin enjoys sharing an 8th grade algebra class with his equally-savvy elder sister. Dustin also loves helping Quinn Pensky with her wacky scientific experiments, when he's not talking himself into and out of assorted sticky situations. Whenever he gets in over his head, Zoey is always the first one to rush to her kid brother's aid. Although her playing bodyguard gets on Dustin's nerves from time to time, he loves Zoey too much to hold that against her. By Season 3, not only does Dustin share most of his sister's friends, but he also spends much time socializing with kids closer to his own age.
Nicole Bristow (Season 1-2), played by Alexa Nikolas
Best friend of Zoey Brooks, who bunks with her and also Dana Cruz. Nicole is from Kansas, where her father owns a juice company. Her personal rule of thumb is "Better late than sweaty." She's very loyal and trustworthy, but often has petty squabbles with Dana; Nicole gets along much better with her Season 2 roommate, Lola Martinez. Nicole talks extremely fast, and is rarely without a blow dryer in hand. By Season 3, Nicole did not come back to PCA because she was diagnosed with "OMGD" (That is, Obsessive Male Gender Disorder); in other words, she was boy-crazy. Nicole currently attends an all girls school.
Dana Cruz (Season 1), played by Kristin Herrera
One of Zoey Brooks's season one roommates. Dana is great at sports, particularly basketball. She's also a total slob who loves to sleep, hates to wake up, and considers mankind's greatest invention to be the snooze button on her alarm clock. She frequently argues with roommate Nicole Bristow, whom Dana blames for giving her frequent nightmares about "death by blow dryer." Dana's bad attitude is comparable to that of Logan Reese, whom she can't stand, although both have quite a bit in common. Logan and Dana ultimately lighten up and become friends...enough so, at least, to attend a school dance together. In Season Two, Dana was accepted by a European exchange student program; she's currently studying in Paris, France.
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